Families in the Word

Families in the Word equips families with tools and resources to know God and His Word firsthand.

Families in the Word teaches families

how to know God's Word firsthand,

to be His disciples as families,

and to live out the truths of His Word

in a way that honors Him.

"I received Sermon on the Mount, Part 1 and am ready for Part 2. My 9th grader remarked that [other Bible studies] tell you what's in the Bible, but Sermon on the Mount, Part 1 tells you how to put the Bible in your life." —Ann C

"My son has already begun the Know & Grow in 2 Timothy study. I am thankful he is so eager to study God's Word. May God bring glory to Himself through your ministry!" —Terri S

"My son, whom I am doing the study with, is 13. He was a little amazed that we were going to spend the whole school year on just the Sermon on the Mount. At times, he thinks it's a little repetitious, but I feel like the repetition is good because it emphasizes some important concepts. I think the study is benefiting us both and has prompted some good discussions. Thank you for the good work you are doing and may God bless you richly." —Susan C

"My 6th grader LOVED the 2 Timothy. It was her favorite of all Bible studies she ever did."
—Denise J

"I absolutely can't thank you enough for providing me with the means to challenge my kids to dig deep into these precious truths." —Patti M

"My girls have loved their inductive studies. Thanks for serving Him through these great studies!" —Julie K

"I have been reading Into Their Hearts at night and using the study tools in the a.m. I am so thrilled for myself to be learning so much more in God's Word! As I learn each tool, I am going to begin teaching these tools and working through sections of scripture with my 6 year old. I am so pleased to know this treasure, and I desire for others to know it too." 
—Kim M

"I am presently in prison and I have five young children. I would like for them to spend more time in the Bible and getting to know God, but as you can see, my hands are tied, so to speak. I believe that through your studies, my children can get the teaching that they are so lacking." —Kenneth F

"I did your study Know & Grow in Understanding God with our homeschool group, a total of 11 kids. It went really well! Everyone got their work done almost every week and were able to discuss their lesson with me. It was really great." —Lisa B

"Thank you so much for finally providing inductive studies at a child's level. May God prosper the work of your hands to His glory." —Dr. Diane P

"Used with 14 and 16 year olds; now have a 6 and 9 to begin…these are definitely a blessing; definitely needed." —Debbie J

"I've used the Know & Grow in 2 Timothy study with homeschool and children's church; loved it!" —Paula H

"My older daughters used these studies; it was wonderful. I now want my younger son to go through them." —Sherry G